
BUDGET/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/POLITICS: “When Republicans in the House of Representatives voted narrowly to repeal and replace Obamacare earlier this month, they weren’t entirely sure of the bill’s impact on the deficit or on the millions of Americans who gained coverage through the health reform law.
Three weeks later, they’re about to find out.
The Congressional Budget Office, the non-partisan scoring agency, will announce its much-anticipated update on the American Health Care Act Wednesday [5-24-17] afternoon. The analysis will finally provide crucial figures that the Senate needs to move forward with crafting its own plan.
The agency has already issued two reports on earlier versions of the GOP health care bill, but lawmakers continued to make changes up until the last minute to secure enough votes for passage.”

-Lauren Fox, “The CBO score on the House’s health care bill is coming Wednesday. Here’s why it matters,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, May 24, 2017 6:05am