
CAMPAIGN/INTELLIGENCE/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump said Thursday [5-18-17] that an investigation of his campaign’s possible ties to Russia is a ‘witch hunt’ and should be quickly brought to a close, but the appointment of a special counsel and recent grand jury subpoenas suggest a federal criminal probe is expanding to include other suspicious activity and countries.
‘We look forward to getting this whole situation behind us,’ said Mr. Trump, denying that he had urged James Comey, the recently fired director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to ease off an investigation of his former national security adviser, Mike Flynn.
But the investigation is now expanding beyond assessing whether associates of Mr. Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.”

-Eli Stokols, Natalie Andrews, and Del Quentin Wilber, “Russia Probe Heats Up as Trump Tries to Limit Damage,” The Wall Street Journal online, May 18, 2017 10:55pm