
LEGAL/RUSSIA/TRUMP PEOPLE/MICHAEL FLYNN: “Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is in deep trouble.
New revelations — first reported by CNN’s Manu Raju, Jim Sciutto and Tom LoBianco — make clear that the retired general was warned by the Defense Intelligence Agency, way back in 2014, not to accept money from foreign governments as he moved into the private sector. He not only did just that when he spoke to RT-TV, widely considered to be a propaganda arm of Vladimir Putin’s government, but he also allegedly failed to disclose it to the relevant agencies.
(Flynn’s lawyer has insisted in a statement that he did, in fact, let the Defense Intelligence Agency know he was giving the speech and briefed them afterward as well.)
Flynn’s growing problems add to the likelihood that the White House, which fired Flynn after three weeks on the job due to his misrepresentations of conversations he had with Russian ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak, will seek to totally sever any ties with the retired general.
That won’t be easy — largely because of comments defending Flynn made by Trump over recent months.”

-Chris Cillizza, “Donald Trump’s praise for Michael Flynn is coming back to haunt him,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, April 27, 2017 12:37pm