
IMMIGRATION/NATIONAL SECURITY/POLITICS: “A meeting with Immigration and Customs Enforcement intended to mollify lawmakers who are concerned one week after a round-up of nearly 700 undocumented immigrants had the opposite effect Thursday, as organizers expelled rank-and-file members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus…
According to a fact sheet from ICE given out at the meeting and provided to CNN by a Democratic aide, 176 non-criminal undocumented immigrants were arrested in the sweeps across five enforcement regions.
Of the individuals who had criminal convictions, 161 were driving under the influence and 33 were other traffic offenses. Other crimes ranged from drug crimes, weapons charges, sexual assault and two homicides to trespassing, shoplifting and illegal entry into the US.
According to a readout of the meeting from ICE, acting director Thomas Homan told lawmakers that mainly public safety threats were arrested.”

 – Tal Kopan, “Hispanic Caucus members rejected from meeting with ICE,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, Feb. 16, 2017