
FBI/TERRORISM: “These Tsarnaev brothers did not work alone. They had help and assistance from other cell members. Be vigilant and on the lookout. [11:24:17 AM] The @FBIPressOffice, police & others are doing an amazing job. How genius was it putting together that tape? [11:26:52 AM] Lots of comments—Do you really believe these two brothers operated alone without influence of others? [4:09:27 PM] Get ALL the info, then quick trial, then death penalty for the Boston killer of innocent children and people! Do not be kind. [7:56:40 PM] You must be kidding-zero chance he is innocent! [Apr 19, 2013] Read my tweets you dopes-of course he should get a trial-but fast (not a 12 year disaster). [8:53:38 PM] Is the Boston killer eligible for Obama Care to bring him back to health? [9:00:42 PM] Great job by the FBI, Boston Police and all others involved-start the trial tonight! [9:30:15 PM]

 – 4/19/2013, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, trumptwitterarchive.com, 4/19/2013