
HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “Vice President Biden and members of the Middle Class Task Force just concluded a health care reform discussion in Alexandria, Virginia…

Health care reform will lower costs for 50-64 year old Americans by providing assistance to employer health plans to encourage them to cover recent retirees and by giving individuals access to an insurance exchange where participants will be able to compare prices of health plans – including a public plan – and decide which option is right for them… And in order to market a plan in the Exchange, insurance companies will have to comply with its rules: no denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions; no discrimination based on age; and fair prices, for good benefits…

Everyone will have the security of knowing that if they lose their job, or if someone in their family develops a chronic disease or has a pre-existing condition, they will be able to find affordable health care for their families in the exchange.”

-Terrell McSweeny, “More Stable and Secure Health Care For Seniors,” obamawhitehouse.archives.gov, July 16, 2009