CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/HHS/LEAKS/MEDIA/WHISTLEBLOWER: “So the so-called HHS Whistleblower was against HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE. Then why did he make, and sign, an emergency use authorization? @NorahODonnell said, ‘He shared his concerns with a reporter.’ In other words, he LEAKED. A dumb @60Minutes hit job on a grandstanding Never Trumper!“ –Donald Trump,, May 18, 2020 4:44 am […]
Tag: Norah O’Donnell
DEMS/FAKE NEWS/MEDIA/WHISTLEBLOWER: “.@60Minutes & third place anchor, @NorahODonnell, are doing everything in their power to demean our Country, much to the benefit of the Radical Left Democrats. Tonight they put on yet another Fake ‘Whistleblower’, a disgruntled employee who supports Dems, fabricates stories, &… ….spews lies. @60Minutes report was incorrect, which they couldn’t care less about. […]