CORONAVIRUS/COVID/FEDERAL FUNDING/LEGISLATION: “American Rescue Plan, 2021 [H.R.1319] [Signed into law by Joe Biden on Mar. 11, 2021] The first relief bill from the Biden presidency includes $1.9 trillion in total spending. The package has $1,400 stimulus checks, money for schools to reopen, and billions for vaccine distribution and development. The bill will be the second largest […]
Tag: coronavirus aid package
CORONAVIRUS/COVID/FEDERAL FUNDING/LEGISLATION: “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 [H.R.133] Signed into law on Dec. 28, 2020. [signed into law by Donald Trump] The $920 billion in total spending (attached to a larger government funding bill) included $600 stimulus checks, renewed the Paycheck Protection Program, provided billions for vaccines, and a renewal of a federal boost to unemployment benefits […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID/FEDERAL FUNDING/LEGISLATION: “Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act [H.R. 266] Became law April 24, 2020 [signed into law by Donald Trump] At $483 billion, the measure authorized more funding for the Paycheck Protection Program and funding for COVID-19 testing.” -Nicholas Wu and Javier Zarracina, “All of the COVID-19 stimulus bills, visualized,”, Mar. […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID/FEDERAL FUNDING/LEGISLATION: “CARES Act [H.R. 748 – The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act] Became law March 27, 2020. [signed into law by Donald Trump] The $2.2 trillion bill included $1,200 stimulus checks, enhanced unemployment benefits, created the Paycheck Protection Program small business forgiveness loan program, aid for state and local governments, and […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID/FEDERAL FUNDING/LEGISLATION: “Families First Coronavirus Response Act [H.R. 6201] Became law March 18, 2020. [signed into law by Donald Trump] The $225 billion legislation provided COVID-19 testing funds, paid sick leave, and food assistance funding.” -Nicholas Wu and Javier Zarracina, “All of the COVID-19 stimulus bills, visualized,”, Mar. 11, 2021 […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID/FEDERAL FUNDING/LEGISLATION: “Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020 [H.R. 6074] Became law March 6, 2020 [signed into law by Donald Trump] Provided $8.3 billion to fight the spread of COVID-19 in the United States by funding vaccine and testing development.” -Nicholas Wu and Javier Zarracina, “All of the COVID-19 stimulus bills, visualized,”, […]