HOLIDAY/JOE BIDEN/JUDAISM: “As Hanukkah begins, Jill and I send our warmest wishes to everyone celebrating in the United States and around the world. We know things look a little different this year, but we hope these next eight nights are filled with family, love, and light. Chag Sameach!“ ––Joe Biden,, December 10, 2020 10:45 […]
Category: Judaism
GUNS/JOE BIDEN/JUDAISM/PENNSYLVANIA/RELIGION/TERRORISM: “Two years ago, a white supremacist entered Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue and perpetrated the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in American history. May the memories of those we lost be a blessing — and may we never stop fighting the scourges of anti-Semitism and gun violence.“ ––Joe Biden,, October 27, 2020 3:01 pm […]
JUDAISM/RELIGION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Thank you Rabbis! RT @Tzedek_Assoc It was an honor to work on this unprecedented letter starting in June in thanks to @realDonaldTrump for announcing that religion is essential — it definitely is! We worked months to gather signatures (wanted to gather even more) and it was recently delivered to the President.″ […]
2020 ELECTION/DEMS/JUDAISM/NEW YORK/RELIGION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING: “Wow, what does this grim picture remind you of? I am the only thing in the Radical Left’s way! VOTE RT @RealJamesWoods ‘Rounding up the Jews’ is an optic that I would never have expected to see in my American lifetime. [New York City Mayor Bill] DeBlasio is a criminal. […]
HOLIDAY/JOE BIDEN/JUDAISM/KAMALA HARRIS/RELIGION: “Jill, Kamala, Doug [Emhoff], and our families all extend our warmest wishes to all who observe Yom Kippur. May you have an easy and meaningful fast. And may you be sealed in the Book of Life.“ ––Joe Biden,, September 27, 2020 11:15 am […]
JOE BIDEN/JUDAISM/RELIGION: “Jill and I wish our friends in the Jewish community a very healthy and happy New Year. As we mark this new beginning, let us commit to pursuing peace and justice in the year ahead. #RoshHashanah“ ––Joe Biden,, September 18, 2020 1:15 pm […]
JUDAISM/RELIGION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Happy #RoshHashanah″ ––Donald Trump,, September 18, 2020 11:04 am […]
JOE BIDEN/JUDAISM/RELIGION: “Ahead of #RoshHashanah, Jill and I want to wish everyone in the Jewish community a very happy, healthy, and sweet New Year. Tune in to our virtual event:” ––Joe Biden,, September 17, 2020 9:02 am […]
JUDAISM/MEDIA/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Thank you to highly respected Jewish leader Dov Hikind for his wonderful statements about me this morning on @foxandfriends.” -Donald Trump,, December 30, 2019 9:28 pm […]
CIVIL RIGHTS/EDUCATION/JUDAISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “An executive order signed Wednesday [12-11-19] that extends civil rights protection to Jews is likely to strengthen the hand of President Trump’s Education Department, where the department’s civil rights chief has been investigating some of the nation’s most elite universities for anti-Jewish bias. Mr. Trump, at a Hanukkah celebration at the […]
CIVIL RIGHTS/JUDAISM/RELIGION/TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS: “My Administration is committed to combating the rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incidents in the United States and around the world. Anti-Semitic incidents have increased since 2013, and students, in particular, continue to face anti Semitic harassment in schools and on university and college campuses. Title VI of the Civil Rights […]