
AFRICAN AMERICANS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP BUSINESS: “In October of 1973, the federal government charged the Trump Management Corporation with discrimination against African Americans seeking apartments in the 39 buildings the firm operated, most of them in Brooklyn and Queens. A short time out of Wharton, the company’s then president, Donald J. Trump, quickly denied the charges as ‘absolutely ridiculous.’ Between 1970 and 1980, New York City experienced its most significant population decline since the 1780s, but while population fell overall, the number of minorities living in the city grew. This was especially true in Brooklyn; in 1970 blacks made up a quarter of the population and by 1980 they made up nearly a third. For some white families who didn’t flee the city, a sense that the territory they occupied was theirs and theirs alone bred a siege mentality…It is this place that the president comes from essentially — a time, a part of the world and a mind-set in which access to certain kinds of power, comfort and rights of assertion was not to be universally shared.”

Ginia Bellafante, “The N.Y.C. Roots of Trump and ‘Go Back Where You Came From’,” The New York Times online, July 18, 2019