IVANKA/JARED KUSHNER/MIKE POMPEO/TRUMP PEOPLE: “In a new memoir peppered with broadsides at potential rivals in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, Mike Pompeo, the former secretary of state, accuses Nikki Haley of plotting with Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump to be named vice-president, even while she served as Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations.
Describing his own anger when Haley secured a personal Oval Office meeting with Trump without checking with him, Pompeo writes that Haley in fact ‘played’ Trump’s then chief of staff, John Kelly, and instead of meeting the president alone, was accompanied by Trump’s daughter and her husband, both senior advisers.”
-Martin Pengelly, “Nikki Haley plotted with Kushner and Ivanka to be Trump vice-president, Pompeo book says,” theguardian.com, January 19, 2023