
ENDORSEMENTS/MEDIA: “Incredible how The New York Times just never gives up. One of their third-rate columnists wrote a story on Saturday saying that, despite almost universal victories in every major race, Trump may be losing his power. The article, written by Ross Douthat, doesn’t cover ‘minor’ events like the fact that on Tuesday, in the Great State of Maryland, Dan Cox, a person not known but strongly Endorsed by me, absolutely destroyed the Endorsed and highly campaigned for candidate of RINO Governor Larry Hogan. This was a big upset. Fox News said it couldn’t happen!

Likewise, with my Endorsement, J.D. Vance came from low in the polls to the front of the pack in Ohio. Dr Oz was also losing substantially, but went up like a rocketship once he was Endorsed by me…

I will say that there are disadvantages to having this never before seen Endorsement power. I endorsed Mitch McConnell, who was going to lose in a record fashion, and he ended up winning. I endorsed Brian Kemp in Georgia, who was going to come in last place, and he won in a landslide. And I Endorsed some others who have not been good to me, but I will never be good to them either.

The true story is that my Endorsements have been, by any standard, amazing—stronger than ever seen before in our Country’s history. If the opposite case were true, I would be fine with strong reporting on it, but as long as it’s not, report the News correctly and accurately. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

-Donald Trump, “Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America,” donaldjtrump.com, July 26, 2022