
2020 ELECTION/MEDIA: “Fox News host Brian Kilmeade on Sunday [June 26, 2022] said former President Trump was ‘unhinged’ after the 2020 election, and told him to ‘move on’ from claims the election was stolen…

‘The president was unhinged during that period,’ Kilmeade told host Howard Kurtz. ‘I interviewed him at West Point, and he was kind enough to give me a few minutes. I’ve never seen him so angry. That was in between the election and Jan. 6.’

‘As soon as we were done, he just stormed off. And you know how long I’ve known him, for 15 years or 20 years prior to him going to the White House. I’ve never seen him so angry.'”

-Rachel Scully, “Kilmeade: Trump was ‘unhinged’ after election,” thehill.com, June 27, 2022