
TRUMP PEOPLE: “Heard that Alyssa Farah was terrible on The View—they could have asked the people who know her and saved a lot of time. She was a ‘backbencher’ in the White House, and is now a nobody again. We put her out there to face the public as little as possible.

It’s amazing how these people leave with respect and adoration for me and others in the White House, but as soon as CNN or other cameras get shoved in their face, or the losers from the The View ask a question, or money gets thrown at them, or someone writes a fake book, inglorious lightweights like Farah change so quickly. I watched this clown on television saying exactly what they wanted her to say and I watched the lies. Was she paid by low-ratings CNN?”

-Donald Trump, “Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America,” donaldjtrump.com, November 15, 2021