
2020 ELECTION/CHINA/CORONAVIRUS/TARIFFS: “The Wall Street Journal just did a white-washed statement, so incorrectly, almost as incorrect as their views on tariffs against China, a country that has been ripping off the United States for years (not even including the disaster of the China Virus), trying to justify the fraud of an election in Pennsylvania, but also saying ‘even if’ we are right, ‘Mr. Trump would be two states short of victory.’

Wrong! We were only talking about Pennsylvania, we weren’t talking about other states, which are also wrapped up in large scale fraud or election improprieties…

We are not talking about one state, Pennsylvania, we are talking about numerous states, far more than is necessary to win, which we did, but which the Fake News media and the Wall Street Journal refused to talk about and are doing everything within their power to cover up. They don’t want the facts because if they had them, we win!”

-Donald Trump, “Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America,” donaldjtrump.com, October 29, 2021