
CHINA/MILITARY: “After many years of allowing China to rip off the United States on trade and so much else, I was very tough on China, by far the toughest of any U.S. President in history. During my administration, China paid us hundreds of billions of dollars and finally respected the U.S. again. Before me, they never gave us ‘ten cents.’ For Lightweight General Mark Milley to have called the Chinese to ‘bring down the temperature’ of my negotiations with them, negotiations that were having a major positive impact on large-scale benefits to the United States, is outrageous. We were not going to make any Military moves—never even thought of it, but we were hitting them so hard in all other ways. “

-Donald Trump, “Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America,” donaldjtrump.com, September 18, 2021