
2020 ELECTION/CORONAVIRUS/GREEN NEW DEAL/VACCINES: “Remember when they wouldn’t report that the [coronavirus] vaccine was effective before the election? Right after the election, oh, the big vaccine story, it was the greatest thing ever. But before, they wouldn’t report it, they wouldn’t report it. Blue state lockdowns don’t work, they didn’t want to talk about it. And our children should be back in school. They don’t want to talk about that either…

But the Green New Deal is a crime because it’s a total con job. Everybody knew this during the campaign, but the fake news media refused to talk about it because they will say and do anything to destroy our great MAGA movement, which is a movement based on strength and peace and law and order.”

-Donald Trump, “Donald Trump Wellington, Ohio Rally Speech Transcript: First Rally Since Leaving Office,” rev.com, June 27, 2021