
TRUMP POST-PRESIDENCY: “Jon Arrigo and Megan Noderer were married on Saturday [Mar. 27, 2021] at Mar-A-Lago and were surprised with a speech from former President Donald Trump, TMZ reported…

Trump went on to talk about the border (‘The border’s not good’) and the number of votes he won in the election (‘We did get 75 million votes, nobody’s ever gotten that’), before dropping a signature Trump phrase: ‘Do you miss me yet?’

The quip was met with generous applause…

Trump made mention of the Arrigos toward the end of the speech, saying, ‘you are a great and beautiful couple.’”

-Julie Gerstein, “Trump used a congratulatory speech at a Mar-A-Lago wedding reception to complain about China, the border, and Biden,” businessinsider.com, Mar. 29, 2021