
STATUES/TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS: “In Executive Order 13934 of July 3, 2020 (Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes), I made it the policy of the United States to establish a statuary park named the National Garden of American Heroes (National Garden)…

The National Garden will be built to reflect the awesome splendor of our country’s timeless exceptionalism. It will be a place where citizens, young and old, can renew their vision of greatness and take up the challenge that I gave every American in my first address to Congress, to ‘[b]elieve in yourselves, believe in your future, and believe, once more, in America.'”

-Donald Trump, “Executive Order on Building the National Garden of American Heroes,” whitehouse.gov, Jan. 18, 2021

[Note: Read the full Executive Order signed by Donald Trump with the list of 244 historical figures chosen to be honored with statues.]