
2020 ELECTION/PENNSYLVANIA/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP CAMPAIGN: “President Trump’s campaign team on Sunday [Dec. 20, 2020] filed an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court asking it to reverse several cases by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to change the state’s mail ballot law before and after the 2020 presidential election…

The petition marks the latest episode in an ongoing saga of lawsuits brought by the Trump campaign challenging the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Trump still refuses to concede and continues to promote allegations that there was massive voter fraud…

Should the U.S. Supreme Court take up the Trump campaign’s case against Pennsylvania, it’s not a given that it would fundamentally impact the certification of the Electoral College in Congress.”

-Bradford Betz, “Trump campaign takes fight over Penn. election, ballot laws to Supreme Court,” foxnews.com, Dec. 21, 2020