
SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “They say you can’t be a great president unless you’ve put in Supreme Court Justice. They say it’s the single most important thing a president can do. And I’m not sure that’s right, I think military defense, military offense, frankly, is the most important thing. But it’s certainly one of the most important things you can do. And the fact that I have more than— I will have by the end, more than 300 [judicial appointments]— First term, think of it. And if we do a second term, which I hope we do, we could have close to 540. But the fact that I had three Supreme Court Justices in the first term is not making them feel too good.”

-Donald Trump via NBC News, “Trump Holds Rally In Georgia Ahead Of Senate Runoff Election | NBC News,” YouTube.com, Dec. 5, 2020