
JOE BIDEN: “I’m confident that what I’ve said from the outset — and I’ve never changed my view this whole campaign for over going on 600 days — exactly what had to be done. We have to restore the soul of this country, meaning honor and decency, honesty, basic, basic fundamental decency.

The second thing, we have to rebuild the backbone in this country, the middle class, that — and this time bring everybody along.

And, thirdly, we have to unite the country.

They’re all going to be difficult to do, but I have never — I’ve never veered from those three principles. And so I look at it as an opportunity to make an incredible contribution to the country.”

-Joe Biden, “Interview with President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President- Elect Kamala Harris. Aired 9-10p ET,” cnn.com, Dec. 3, 2020