
JOE BIDEN/USA/VOTING: “What should we give thanks for this season? Well, first let’s be thankful for democracy itself. In this last election, one that just took place, we’ve seen record numbers of Americans exercise the most sacred rights, that of the vote to register their will at the ballot box.

Think about that. In the middle of a pandemic, more people voted this year than have ever voted in the history of the United States of America. Over 150 million people cast a ballot. Simply extraordinary. Many waiting in line five, six, seven, eight hours to vote.

If you want to know what beats deep in the heart of America? It’s this, democracy, the right to determine our lives, our government and our leaders. The right to be heard.”

-Joe Biden via NBC News, “Biden Delivers Thanksgiving Address | NBC News,” YouTube.com, Nov. 25, 2020