
BORDER/WALL: “The completion of President’s Trump’s signature wall on the U.S.-Mexico border is very much in doubt. Before winning the presidential election, Joe Biden flatly told NPR: ‘There will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration.’

But that hasn’t stopped Trump’s wall builders, who are hurrying to get as many miles completed as they can before the next president can cancel their contracts. That’s happening from the Rio Grande Valley of Texas to Arizona’s stunning Coronado National Memorial and Guadalupe Canyon, a wildlife corridor for Mexican gray wolves and endangered jaguars. At $41 million a mile, the Arizona sections are the most expensive projects of the entire border wall…

Trump has ignored his critics and beat back nearly every court challenge to his border wall. Currently, 11 different contractors are at work on 27 separate construction contracts, including the demolition in Arizona, according to the Army Corps. So far, $8 billion has been spent.”

-John Burnett, “Trump’s Border Wall Builders Carry On Even Though Projects May Never Be Completed,” npr.org, Nov. 16, 2020