
CORONAVIRUS/TRUMP’S HEALTH/VACCINES: “We will deliver record prosperity, epic job growth, groundbreaking [coronavirus] therapies, the therapies are unbelievable. By the way, here I am. Now, I don’t know, maybe I didn’t need it. Maybe I didn’t need it, but I’m happy. I took that Regeneron. Regeneron, Superman, and a safe vaccine.

And we have many of our greatest companies and labs are coming out very quickly with the vaccines. They’re doing great. Very shortly, very quickly. It’s going to be delivered fast. That will quickly end the pandemic. It’s ending anyway. We’re rounding the turn, but the vaccine will get it down fast because we want normal life to resume, normal life. We just want normal.”

-Donald Trump via NBC News, “Trump Delivers Remarks At New Hampshire Rally | NBC News,” YouTube.com, Oct. 25, 2020