
CORONAVIRUS: [Reporter: “Mr. President, there are some coronavirus cases rising in Wisconsin.”]

“You used the word ‘cases.’ You know why there’s so many cases? Because we test. Because we test more than any country in the world. Nobody tests like us. ‘Cases.’ Everybody uses the word ‘cases.’ Mortality, way down. Way down. And a lot of those cases that you’re talking about are young people — very young people that get better 99.9. They get better almost immediately.

No, you use the word  ‘case’ because you’re trying to scare people. Don’t scare people. Don’t scare people.

The fact is that we’re doing very well. The vaccines are coming out. The therapeutics are coming out. But we have more testing than any country in the world. That includes India with 1.5 billion people. Nobody tests like us. We test more.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump After Air Force One Arrival | Columbus, OH,” whitehouse.gov, Oct. 24, 2020