
CAMPAIGN FINANCE: “As your President, I could have been the greatest fundraiser of all time. You know you see these numbers that they’re in. They raised $300 million, do you know why? When they raise money, that’s a deal. They’re making deals. I would be the single greatest fundraiser in history. I’ll call up the head of Goldman Sachs. I’ll call up that of all these Wall Street guys. Most of them I know or know enough about, I know more. I know them. I know too much.

And I could call up, listen, do me a favor. Would you give $10 million to my campaign? Yes, Mr. President. Would you give $20 million to — yes, but — but you know when you do that, you don’t have to say anything. When they call you in three months and they say we need help with this or that or that, it’s you know very hard, like sort of almost morally.”

-Donald Trump via NBC News, “Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Nevada | NBC News,” YouTube.com, Oct. 18, 2020