
DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “If you’re a moderate Democrat or Liberal who knows that your party has gone totally off the rails, you have a moral duty to immediately stop this lunacy. You must, by law, join the Republican party. We welcome you to the Republican party, and the party of Abraham Lincoln, you know I can say that. A lot of people don’t know that. It’s the party of Trump, yeah.” […]

[Crowd: “Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years.] […]

“Now you really drive them crazy if you say twelve more years. Twelve. Then they say, ‘He is a fascist, he is a fascist.’”

[Crowd: “Twelve more years. Twelve more years. Twelve more years. Twelve more years. Twelve more years. Twelve more years. Twelve more years. Twelve more years.”]

-Donald Trump via Fox News, “Trump delivers remarks on ‘Supporting the American Way of Life’ in Michigan,” YouTube.com, Oct. 17, 2020