
CORONAVIRUS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “It’s harder than ever to spend time with the people you love, other than on Zoom or on a computer connection. We’ve all felt that sense of interruption in our lives. And we all know that this isn’t normal, that things didn’t have to be this bad. They didn’t have to be this bad…

A lot of folks are worried about making their next rent payment, their next mortgage payment, whether or not they can purchase their prescription drugs or put food on the table…

That’s been the entire story of my view of Donald Trump’s presidency. The fact that he’s never been focused on what matters. He’s never been focused on you. His handling of this [coronavirus] pandemic has been erratic, just like his presidency has been.”

-Joe Biden, “LIVE: Joe Biden Speaks about his Vision for Older Americans in Florida,” YouTube.com, Oct. 13, 2020