
SUPREME COURT: “What I want them [undecided voters] to focus on, I respectfully suggest, is what the packing— court packing is going on now. Never before when an election is already begun and millions of votes are already cast, has it ever been that a Supreme Court nominee was put forward. Had never happened before.

One of the reasons is, the Constitution implies is that the only shot the American people get to determine who will be on the lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court or federal courts, is when they pick their senator and their president. Because the president names and the senate advises and consents. That’s the focus.

I’ve already spoken on it, I’m not a fan of court packing. But I don’t want to get off on that whole issue. I want to keep focus.”

-Joe Biden in an interview with Kyle Inskeep, “Local 12 speaks 1-on-1 with Joe Biden as he visits Cincinnati for campaign event,” local12.com, Oct. 12, 2020