
JOE BIDEN/MICHIGAN/TERRORISM: “Earlier today, I spoke with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. I am grateful that she and her family are safe, and I commend the FBI and other law enforcement officers for their work to prevent this deranged act by emboldened domestic terrorists.

As a nation, we are at a crossroads. We have come to a point where, despite our shock, we are not surprised that such a heinous plot was even conceived — a plot by Americans to blow up a bridge on American soil, threaten the lives of police officers and other law enforcement officials, and kidnap an American leader, take her hostage, and stage a mock trial for treason. It’s the kind of twisted plot we expect from ISIS, but now it’s here at home.”

-Joe Biden, “Domestic Terrorism Plot against Governor Gretchen Whitmer – Statement by Vice President Joe Biden,” joebiden.com, Oct. 8, 2020