
CORONAVIRUS: [Reporter: “Why not wear it [masks] more often or have the White House staff wear it more often to set an example for the country?]

“Well, I’m tested [for coronavirus], and I’m sometimes surprised when I see somebody sitting and — like, with Joe. Joe feels very safe in a mask. I don’t know, maybe he doesn’t want to expose his face. I don’t know what’s going on. He’ll be way away from people, nowhere near people — there will be nobody with him. He doesn’t draw any crowds. He’ll have circles. These big circles. They’ll be way far away. There’s no reason for him to have masks on.

We get tested — I’m tested; I have people tested. When people come into the Oval Office, it’s like a big deal. No matter who they are — if they’re heads of countries, they all get tested. So I’m in sort of a different position. And maybe if I wasn’t in that position, I’d be wearing it more. But I’ve worn masks. And especially I like to wear them when I’m in hospital. Not for me so much as for other people.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump in Press Briefing | September 16, 2020,” whitehouse.gov, Sep. 16, 2020