CORONAVIRUS: “President Trump’s head popped up during his top-secret intelligence briefing in the Oval Office on Jan. 28 when the discussion turned to the novel coronavirus outbreak in China.
‘This will be the biggest national security threat you face in your presidency,’ national security adviser Robert O’Brien told Trump, according to a new book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward…
Ten days later, Trump called Woodward and revealed that he thought the situation was far more dire than what he had been saying publicly… At that time, Trump was telling the nation that the virus was no worse than a seasonal flu, predicting it would soon disappear, and insisting that the U.S. government had it totally under control…
In their final interview, on July 21, Trump vented to Woodward, ‘The virus has nothing to do with me. It’s not my fault.’”
-Robert Costa and Philip Rucker, “Woodward book: Trump says he knew coronavirus was ‘deadly’ and worse than the flu while intentionally misleading Americans,”, Sep. 9, 2020
[Note: Read quotes about coronavirus made by Donald Trump in interviews with Bob Woodward on Feb. 7, 2020 and Mar. 19, 2020.]