
JOE BIDEN/POLLS: “And today it was announced that Joe Biden is coming out of the basement. Because the poll numbers have totally swung. They totally swung. And they’ve swung like nobody’s ever seen them swing before. And it was rapid. It was a rapid swing. Because they all admit that we’re doing a great job. There’s not too many presidents that have done a job like we’ve done, including keeping you out of wars, bringing you home from the endless wars. But they’ve swung…

But here’s what I don’t get. Sleepy Joe’s coming out he said in 10 days, that’s a long… 10 days. 10 days. That’s like an eternity in Trumpville. 10 days. I view 10 days is like an eternity, okay?”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Rev, “Donald Trump New Hampshire Rally Speech Transcript August 28,” rev.com, Aug. 28, 2020