
ISRAEL/MIDDLE EAST/OBAMA: “Look what I did for Israel… But it’s amazing to me because nobody has been worse to Israel than President Obama and Biden… And they never moved the embassy to Jerusalem, thereby making Jerusalem the capital of Israel, which I did, and neither did any other president…

And the pressure — and I will tell you, the pressure from other parts of the world was enormous… Kings and queens and prime ministers and presidents and dictators — everybody was calling: ‘Don’t do it. Don’t do it. It’ll be bloodshed all over the Middle East.’…

And I didn’t take their call, and I did it. Had a ceremony. It was fine. Nothing happened. Remember? The world was going to blow up. ‘This will be the end of the world.’ So I held my breath, and I did it. And you know what happened? Nothing.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump at the 2020 Council for National Policy Meeting,” whitehouse.gov, Aug. 21, 2020