
CORONAVIRUS/NEW ZEALAND: “Before the China virus invaded our shores, we built the greatest economy in history, nothing even close… You notice how they, anytime there’s a good country, they like to compare [coronavirus impact], because we’ve done an incredible job. You look at our mortality rates, you look at all the things. But they like to compare us to others. So they were talking about New Zealand. New Zealand, it’s over, it’s over for Zealand. Everything’s gone. They’re beautiful. They had a massive breakout yesterday. South Korea, it’s over, it’s over. Big breakout yesterday. It’s a tough deal.

We’ve done a great job. We’re a big, big country. And maybe this is popular to say, maybe it’s not, I don’t care.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Rev, “Donald Trump Speech Transcript August 20: In Joe Biden’s Hometown,” rev.com, Aug. 20, 2020