
AMAZON/USPS: “Look, I have a much better idea on the Post Office: You raise the price per package by a number that it should be, so that instead of Amazon and these other companies making a fortune — including the fact that they pay virtually no tax, which is ridiculous, and very unfair to regular stores — Amazon will pay for the cost of the Post Office.

So now, instead of losing tens of billions of dollars a year, like it has been for 30, 40 years, Amazon should pay for it and so should other companies in the business of Amazon — delivery. They should pay. They should also pay tax, by the way. And then you’ll solve your problem with the Post Office, because I don’t want to lay people off. I’m not laying postal workers off.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump During Border Wall Construction and Operational Update | Yuma, AZ,” whitehouse.gov, Aug. 18, 2020