
2020 ELECTION/VOTE BY MAIL/VOTING: [Reporter: “We heard yesterday you were — your frustrations about how long it’ll take to count the ballots here. Then why aren’t you spending more energy to get the resources and the funding for the states that they want to be able to secure this election for all Americans?”]

“Peter, you know nothing about my energy. Okay?”

[Reporter: “What are you doing, specifically?”]

“You know nothing about what I’m doing.”

[Reporter: “What are you doing?”]

“Listen, you know nothing about what I do.”

[Reporter: “The Americans are listening: What are you doing?”]

“You’ll see what happens. And it’s common sense. Everyone knows mail-in ballots are a disaster.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump in a Meeting with the National Association of Police Organizations Leadership,” whitehouse.gov, July 31, 2020