
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19: [Reporter: “Mr. President, the woman that you said is a great doctor in that video that you retweeted last night said masks don’t work and there is a cure for COVID-19, both of which health experts say is not true. She’s also made videos saying that doctors make medicine using DNA from aliens, and that they’re trying to create a vaccine to make you immune from becoming religious.”]

“Well, maybe it’s a saying, maybe it’s not… But I can — I can tell you this: She was on air, along with many other doctors. They were big fans of hydroxychloroquine, and I thought she was very impressive in the sense that, from where she came — I don’t know which country she comes from, but she said that she’s had tremendous success with hundreds of different patients. And I thought her voice was an important voice, but I know nothing about her.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump in Press Briefing | July 28, 2020,” whitehouse.gov, July 28, 2020