
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: [Chris Wallace: “California locking down again. Florida, deadliest day of the entire pandemic. Hospitals at capacity at a number of places around the country… We don’t have a national plan. Do you take responsibility for that?”]

“Look, I take responsibility always for everything because it’s ultimately my job, too. I have to get everybody in line.

Some governors have done well, some governors have done poorly. They’re supposed to have supplies they didn’t have. I supplied everybody.

Now we have somewhat of a [coronavirus] surge in certain areas. And other areas we’re doing great. But we have a surge in certain areas. But you don’t hear people complaining about ventilators. We’ve got all the ventilators we can use.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Fox News, “Transcript: ‘Fox News Sunday’ interview with President Trump,” foxnews.com, July 19, 2020