
CLIMATE CHANGE/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Our President wasn’t prepared for this pandemic. He ignored the detailed briefings and warning that our administration left behind. The threat of a pandemic we told them was coming. We gave all this to his administration and transition, but he shut it all down. He shut down the pandemic office we had inside The White House. He praised the Chinese government, even as the virus was coming to our shores because he was so afraid that they’d walk away from his trade deal that cost us significant amounts of money as well. Let’s not get caught flat footed again. Let’s get prepared to meet the challenges of the climate crisis, that means investing in infrastructure, clean energy, creating millions of good paying union jobs in the process.”

-Joe Biden as quoted by Rev, “Joe Biden Speech Transcript on Economic Recovery Plan July 9,” rev.com, July 9, 2020