
CHINA/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “And the [coronavirus] crisis is being handled. You know, if you look — we were talking this morning — something to think about — China was way early and they’re getting under control just now. And Europe was way early, and they’re getting under control. We followed them, with this terrible China virus, and we are likewise getting under control.

Some areas that were very hard-hit are now doing very well. Some were doing very well, and we thought they may be gone and they flare up, and we’re putting out the fires. But other places were long before us, and they’re now — it’s like life; it’s got a life. And we’re putting out that life, because that’s a bad life that we’re talking about.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump on the Jobs Numbers Report,” whitehouse.gov, July 2, 2020