
2020 ELECTION/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Look, Chicago is an example. It’s, like, worse than Afghanistan… We have cities that are worse — in some cases, far worse. Take a look at Detroit. Take a look at what’s happening in Oakland. Take a look at what’s happening in Baltimore… These cities, it’s like living in hell…

By the way, in all cases, it’s Democrats; they’re Democrat run in all cases. And Joe Biden would have that be the whole country. It’s so crazy what’s happening. Here’s a guy who doesn’t talk. Nobody hears him. Whenever he does talk, he can’t put two sentences together. I don’t want to be nice or un-nice. Okay? But, I mean, the man can’t speak. And he’s going to be your President because some people don’t love me maybe. And, you know, all I’m doing is doing my job.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump in a Fox News Town Hall | Green Bay, WI,” whitehouse.gov, June 25, 2020