
2020 ELECTION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING/VOTE BY MAIL: “No, I don’t like mail-in ballots… I can tell you this… An example, an example, all over the country you have thousands of cases. A friend of mine gets a ballot, his son, unfortunately, passed away seven years ago. He gets a ballot for his son to vote. That’s one case, but there are thousands and thousands of cases. The other thing is with mail-in ballots, people can forge them. Foreign countries can print them. They get the same paper, the same press…

They put them in mailboxes, people take them, they take them from the mailman and they print them. They fraudulently print them. It’s a very bad system. It’s going to lead to a tremendous fraud and we’re trying to stop it. Mail-in ballots are a disaster.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Factbase “Interview: Joe St. George of Scripps Television Interviews Donald Trump – June 22, 2020,” factba.se