
2020 ELECTION/COURTS/JOE BIDEN/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: [Reporter: “If Joe Biden gets elected President of the United States, what does that mean for America, exactly?”] “I think I’ll have close to 300 judges by the time I finish my first time, hopefully, a lot more than that, but it’s a record number and we have pro-life judges, and you look at the Supreme Court, they’re pro-life, so we’ll see what happens…

In terms of religion, in terms of evangelical, in terms of Christian with or without evangelical, in terms of Jewish, in terms of anything, you’re going to have radical Left judges appointed and in terms of pro-life, you can forget it.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by CBN News, “EXCLUSIVE Interview with President Trump: Running Against Joe Biden and a Record Number of Pro-Life Judges,” www1.cbn.com, June 22, 2020