
CHINA/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: “The World Health Organization has been very disappointing. To the world, they’ve been disappointing. And we, as you know, paid $450 million and close to $500 million on some years. But for years and years, we paid far more than anybody else. And they’ve been a puppet of China.

And — so, no, I’m not reconsidering [withdrawing U.S. support], unless they get their act together, and I’m not sure they can at this point. But, maybe, certainly over the years, they might. But they have been a disaster. They were wrong on every call, including when I said we’re going to close up the United States to people coming in from China, where China was heavily infected [with COVID-19] at that time and possibly still is.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump in Roundtable Discussion on Fighting for America’s Seniors,” whitehouse.gov, June 15, 2020