
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/RELIGION/SENIORS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “We’re safely reopening our country while aggressively protecting the vulnerable, especially our seniors. We’re telling our seniors to stay back a little bit. Stay back. Let this thing pass…

We’re using every tool at our disposal to protect our nursing homes from outbreaks. You saw the disaster of how badly some of the governors handled nursing homes. It’s a disgrace what they’ve done…

We need our churches and our synagogues and our mosques… We want them open, and we want them open as soon as possible…

And if I have to, I will override any governor that wants to play games. If they want to play games, that’s okay, but we will win. And we have many different ways where I can override them.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump on Protecting Seniors with Diabetes,” whitehouse.gov, May 26, 2020