
JOE BIDEN/TAXES: “Let’s raise the capital gains tax for people making over a million bucks a year to ordinary income. Let’s reverse the Trump Tax Cut. Imagine if we had that $2 trillion now, as we go into, God willing, a recovery, which is a long way away as I see it right now. Which they used to buy back hundreds of billions of dollars of stock, 10s of billions of dollars, boost wages for the workers. Did they do that? No. let’s use the money to invest in the middle class. You know, almost 40 million Americans have filed for unemployment. And you know what the White House is proposing? More tax cuts for corporate America. I’ve got a novel idea: how about some relief for Main Street?”

-Joe Biden, “CNBC Transcript: Former Vice President Joe Biden Speaks with CNBC’s “Squawk Box” Today,” cnbc.com, May 22, 2020