
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/FAKE NEWS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “But when you do 14 million tests, you’re going to find more cases… We’re finding a lot of people. By doing testing, you’re finding people. So we’re doing 14, Germany is doing 3, South Korea doing 3, and I think they’re number two and three. So we’re way ahead of everybody. But when you do that, you have more cases. So a lot of times, the fake news media will say, ‘You know, there are a lot of cases in the United States.’ Well, if we didn’t do testing at a level that nobody has ever dreamt possible, you wouldn’t have very many cases.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump in a Meeting with Governor Hutchinson of Arkansas and Governor Kelly of Kansas May 20,” whitehouse.gov, May 20, 2020