
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “But we’ve learned a lot about the disease. We’ve learned about distancing — nobody ever heard of social distancing before. We’ve learned about the washing of hands. I used to wash my hands a lot, but I’ll tell you, right now I wash them more. We learned a lot. And we also learned how to put out the embers or the fires, whatever may come — we learned — without having to close down the whole country.

And we have big sections of our country that don’t have much of a problem. We have some sections that don’t have any problem at all. So we’re opening up our country, we’re doing really well, and most excitingly, we’re working on vaccines, therapeutics, and cures that are really moving along at a level that nobody would have thought possible.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump in Cabinet Meeting,” whitehouse.gov, May 19, 2020